Tootekirjeldus / Product Description:
- Strawberry Passion Fruit puuvilja tee
- Strawberry Passion Fruit Tea
The contrasting colours of brilliant red strawberries and bright yellow passion fruit delight our hearts. There’s also a lot to taste: fruity sweetness from sweet blackberry leaves and ripe strawberries and the fresh tartness from our new passion fruit flakes paired with a handful of sour apple pieces characterize this blend.
Nutritional values per 100 ml :
Energy in kj 28 KJ
Energy in kcal 7 KCAL
Total fat < 0,1 G
Saturated fat < 0,1 G
Total carbohydrates 1,3 G
Sugars 1,0 G
Protein 0,1 G
Salt < 0,01 G
The nutritional values were calculated on the basis of the recipe and refer to 100 ml of infusion using 2,5 g tea and brewing for 10–12 minutes. The nutritional values do not represent analytical values.
Koostisained / Ingredients:
Koostisained : õunatükid, hibiskus, ananassikuubikud, hapendatud õunatükid, lõhna- ja maitseaine, magusad murakalehed, passionihelbed, külmkuivatatud maasikaviilud, külmkuivatatud maasikatükid
apple pieces, hibiscus blossoms, pineapple cubes , acidified apple pieces , flavouring, sweet blackberry leaves, passionfruit flakes , freeze-dried strawberry slices, freeze-dried strawberry pieces.
Tootekirjeldus :
Säravate punaste maasikate ja erekollaste passioniviljade kontrastsed värvid rõõmustavad meie südant. Maitset on ka suurepärane : seda segu iseloomustab magusatest murakalehtedest ja küpsetest maasikatest tulenev puuviljane magusus ning meie uute passioniviljahelveste värske hapukus koos peotäie hapukate õunatükkidega.
The contrasting colours of brilliant red strawberries and bright yellow passion fruit delight our hearts. There’s also a lot to taste: fruity sweetness from sweet blackberry leaves and ripe strawberries and the fresh tartness from our new passion fruit flakes paired with a handful of sour apple pieces characterize this blend.
Ettevalmistus / Preparation: 95° – 10-12 minutes brewing time 100 °C water temperature 4-5 teaspoon per litre.
10-12 minutit tõmbamisaeg 100 °C veetemperatuur 4-5 tl liitri kohta. Tähtis:
Valmistage alati keeva veega ja laske 5-10 minutit tõmmata, et saada õige jook
Important: Always Always brew with boiling water and let infuse for 5-10 minutes in order to obtain a safe beverage!
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