Tootekirjeldus / Product Description:
- Incrocio Manzoni Bianco
- is born from the crossing of Riesling Renano and Pinot Bianco. obtained by Professor Manzoni in the 30s. It has a straw yellow color with greenish reflections. On the nose it has a delicate and slightly aromatic scent. On the palate it is full, savory, with excellent personality and structure.
- Incrocio Manzoni Bianco on sündinud Riesling Renano ja Pinot Bianco o ristamisest, mille sai professor Manzoni 30ndatel. Sellel on rohekate peegeldustega õlgkollane värv. Ninale tekib õrn ja kergelt aromaatne lõhn. Maitselt on see täidlane, soolane, suurepärase isikupära ja struktuuriga.
TECHNICAL INFORMATION AREA OF ORIGIN: Veneto VARIETAL (crossing of Riesling Renano and Pinot Bianco)
It has an excellent body, very supported by the natural alcohol content, the pronounced acidity and flavor, a deep straw yellow color with very fine aromas that recall spring flowers, exotic fruit and honey. It pairs well with fish and first courses and second courses of white meat.
Sellel on suurepärane keha, mida toetavad hästi looduslik alkoholisisaldus, väljendunud happesus ja maitse, sügav õlgkollane värvus väga peente aroomidega, mis meenutavad kevadlilli, eksootilisi puuvilju ja mett. See sobib hästi kalaga, esimese ja teise valge lihaga.
COLOUR – deep straw yellow – sügav õlgkollane värv
SUGAR RESIDUE – 5,00 g/l
TOTAL ACIDITY – 5,80 g/l
Veinitüüp / Wine type / Tipo vino: “vaikne vein” / “Still wine” / “Vino fermo”
Viinapuu – GRAPE VARIETY: Riesling Renano ja Pinot Bianco. Riesling Renano and Pinot Bianco.
GRADATION – ALCOHOL CONTENT – Alkoholi sisaldus 12,50% Maht (L) 0,75L
SERVICE: Serveerimistemperatuur – Serving temperature: 10 / 12°C.
Allergeenid: sisaldab sulfiteid
Tooteülevaateid veel ei ole.