Tootekirjeldus / Product Description:
Suitsutee jaoks korjatakse tugevamad ja suuremad lehed teepõõsa madalamatelt aladelt. Väärispuidu kohal suitsetamine annab teelehtedele väga intensiivse, tugeva suitsumaitse.
Selleks, et saaksime teile pakkuda meeldiva maitsega, mitte liiga domineeriva suitsunoodiga teed, on meie teedegustaatorid välja töötanud selle majasegu. Klassikalised mustad teed on delikaatselt kombineeritud puhta suitsuteega. Tulemuseks on endiselt selgelt suitsune maitse, mille aluseks on peen magusus.
For a smoked tea, the stronger and larger leaves are harvested from the lower areas of the tea bush. Smoking over precious woods gives the tea leaves a very intense, strong smoky flavour.
In order to be able to offer you a pleasant-tasting tea with a not too dominant smoky note, our tea tasters have developed this house blend. Classic black teas are delicately combined with the pure smoked tea. The result is a still distinctly smoky flavour with an underlying subtle sweetness.
- Special tea but thicker and larger leaves from lower down on the tea bush. Smoking it over exotic woods gives it its typical flavour.
- Koostisosad / Ingredients:
- must suitsutee
- black tea, smoke
- Ettevalmistus / Preparation:
- 2 g / 200 ml keeva veega, infusiooniaeg 3 kuni 5 minutit.
- 2 g / 200 ml boiling water, 3 to 5 minutes infusion time.
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